Exadios Software Development, Melville, WA



The ABN for Exadios Software is: 48 069 947 547

Encryption and Signature Keys

There are two separate keys here. The first is a key generated by PGP and is RSA/IDEA. The second has been generated by Gnupg and is EIGamal/DSA Both are current.

The first key (PGP) is associated with the email address of pfb@exadios.com pfb@users.sourceforge.net. This key has been generated on 2000/03/24 and revokes my previous key of 1996/11/15. This key's fingerprint is 8AB3 0AAA 808A F26C 72C4 44E2 71CA 2D5A. To view the key click here - left button for view and right for download.

The second (Gnupg) is associated with email the address of pfb@exadios.com. This key has been generated on 2003/10/15. This key's fingerprint is 4F9C 69F6 1369 9B9C 7387 FDE7 9BD9 0BBE D6D1 9E47. To view the key click here - left button for view and right for download.

$Id: about.html,v 1.14 2009-01-13 12:17:41 pfb Exp $